Licensing service

To consume LumenVox products, the containers are required to communicate with LumenVox's cloud licensing service to submit information on product utilization. This outbound connection is made using secure HTTPS, typically once per day, and contains no user identifiable information (only license usage metrics). 

Customers need to ensure that external firewall requirements are modified to allow the external connection.

LumenVox requires all installations to connect to the LumenVox licensing service to validate the license and report back on product usage. The client is required to open firewalls to communicate with via port 443. The LumenVox software supplies information from the cluster and receives a signed response validating the license. 

Clients can obtain a copy of the license report by calling Reporting.UsageReportRequest – the gRPC API. The API will return usage stats based on the component supplied as input. If no component is submitted, then stats for all components utilized will be returned. 

The following is an example of the output.


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