"lexicon" Element




Sets the location of the user-defined pronunciation dictionary.

A lexicon file is an XML file following the PLS specification (http://www.w3.org/TR/pronunciation-lexicon/).


uri = “URI”
type = “application/pls+xml”
xml:lang = “locale”
xml:id = “reference_id”



uriURI of the dictionary.  mandatory field
typeMedia type of the dictionary.  optional field
xml:langLocale.  optional field
 xml:idMay be used to give the lexicon reference an identifier that is unique to the document, allowing the element to be specified, via the <lookup> ref attribute as shown in the examples below. This is an SSML 1.1 extension.






Note that the Lexicon element is not supported when using TTS2 voices.

Lexicons of types other than application/pls+xml are not supported. The Lexicon element must have a uri attribute specifying a URI that identifies the location of the pronunciation lexicon document. This location may utilize the optional xml:base attribute specified in the speak element (see examples below).

PLS Lexicon files are loaded separately for each synthesized SSML document. The only lexicons loaded are the ones declared by a <lexicon> element.

LumenVox Text-To-Speech supports PLS 1.0 lexicons referenced from SSML documents, as defined by Pronunciation Lexicon Specification (PLS) Version 1.0, W3C Recommendation 14 October 2008, http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-pronunciation-lexicon-20081014/.  

LumenVox supports both SSML 1.0 and an extension to the SSML 1.1 standard for supporting lexicon references as shown in the examples below.  The corresponding SSML 1.1 <lookup> element is also supported (with corresponding ref attribute), also as shown below.

Example : SSML 1.0 style, local file reference to lexicon...  

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<speak version="1.0">

    <!-- references the file "C:\lexicons\general.pls" -->

    <lexicon uri="file:///C:/lexicons/general.pls" />

    <voice name="Amanda" xml:lang="en-US">

        <s>LumenVox has been recognized as a leading innovator of speech

        technology since <say-as interpret-as="date"




Example : SSML 1.1 style, local file reference to lexicon, using lookup element...  

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<speak version="1.1">

    <!-- references the file "C:\lexicons\general.pls" -->

    <lexicon uri="file:///C:/lexicons/general.pls" xml:id="general"/>

    <lookup ref="general">

    <voice name="Amanda" xml:lang="en-US">

        <s>LumenVox has been recognized as a leading innovator of speech

        technology since <say-as interpret-as="date"






Example : SSML 1.1 style, xml:base specifying lexicon folder...  

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<speak version="1.1" xml:base="file:///C:/lexicons/">

    <!-- references the file "general.pls" in folder "C:\lexicons\" -->

    <lexicon uri="general.pls" xml:id="general"/>

    <lookup ref="general">

    <voice name="Amanda" xml:lang="en-US">

        <s>LumenVox has been recognized as a leading innovator of speech

        technology since <say-as interpret-as="date"





Example : SSML 1.1 style, xml:base specifying lexicon folder on web server...  

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<speak version="1.1" xml:base="">

    <!-- references the file "general.pls" on the web server -->

    <lexicon uri="general.pls" xml:id="general"/>

    <lookup ref="general">

    <voice name="Amanda" xml:lang="en-US">

        <s>LumenVox has been recognized as a leading innovator of speech

        technology since <say-as interpret-as="date"





Example : SSML 1.0 style, lexicon URI referencing web server (with xml:base)...  

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<speak version="1.0" xml:base="">

    <!-- references the file "general.pls" on the web server -->

    <lexicon uri="general.pls" />

    <voice name="Amanda" xml:lang="en-US">

        <s>LumenVox has been recognized as a leading innovator of speech

        technology since <say-as interpret-as="date"




Example : SSML 1.0 style, lexicon URI referencing web server (without xml:base)...  

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<speak version="1.0">

    <!-- references the file "general.pls" on the web server -->

    <lexicon uri="" />

    <voice name="Amanda" xml:lang="en-US">

        <s>LumenVox has been recognized as a leading innovator of speech

        technology since <say-as interpret-as="date"




Example Lexicon...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<lexicon version="1.0"
alphabet="x-sampa" xml:lang="en-US">


<grapheme>Cool Guys</grapheme>


You can copy this example lexicon as a starting point, but of course you will need to add your own lexemes to it. Please see our pages on the phonetic alphabets available for building the <phoneme> elements of the lexicon.

Multiple Lexicons in SSML 1.0

In order to work with multiple different lexicons in a single SSML 1.0 file, you need to separately group the portions of the file according to which lexicon should be used. For example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<speak version="1.0">

<!-- first lexicon used in following 'voice' section -->
<lexicon uri="" />
<voice name="Amanda" xml:lang="en-US">
<s>Some phrase using words in first lexicon.</s>

<!-- second lexicon used in following 'voice' section -->
<lexicon uri="" />
<voice name="Amanda" xml:lang="en-US">
<s>Some phrase using words in second lexicon.</s>

<!-- third lexicon used in following 'voice' section -->
<lexicon uri="" />
<voice name="Amanda" xml:lang="en-US">
<s>Some phrase using words in third lexicon.</s>


As you can see in this example, sections of the files to be synthesized are contained in <voice> tags, which themselves are preceded by their corresponding lexicon references.

Note that the most recent lexicon reference is used for each <voice> section. It is also important to remember that <lexicon> tags must be children of <speak> elements (not within <voice> elements) and also <voice> elements are also children of <speak> elements, but should follow after any lexicon definition they use.


The syntax shown in this example is specific to SSML 1.0, since SSML 1.1 was changed to make use of the <lookup> element for selectively activating lexicons as described earlier in this article.

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