Setup in Google GCP (GKE Creation)

Setup in Google GCP (GKE Creation)

The following steps can be followed to install the LumenVox software within Google’s Kubernetes platform.


Create Kubernetes Cluster 

Note: DNS associated with cluster can be noted for API calls into the LumenVox software

Set up cluster basics



Set up Node pool details

  • This will host your various pods
  • Numbers to be created will depend on call volumes and products used

The following default values are recommended but should be changed as per the client’s individual requirements: 


Set up node configurations

The following default values are recommended however the client should select the operating system that best suits their needs. LumenVox recommend 8 vCPUs, 32GB memory per node.

 Set up node security

The following default values are recommended but should be changed as per the client’s individual requirements: 



Set up node networking

The following default values are recommended but should be changed as per the client’s individual requirement. LumenVox recommends using a public cluster network access.



Create VPC Firewall Rule for Rabbit MQ 

  • Google doesn’t add automatically add this


Add persistent storage 

The following default values are recommended but should be changed as per the client’s individual requirements: 


Install GCloud CLI

This will include the required KubeCTL

Download from:

Connect to Cluster (configuring KUBECTL to talk to new cluster) ---this is on the user machine – e.g. remote connection tool. 


1. gcloud container clusters get-credentials aether-test-cluster-1 --zone us-central1---project aether-gcp-

  Install Linkerd CLI 

This is run on KubeCTL and will install to local machine. We only support up to Linkerd edge-24.5.5.

1. curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSfL | sh

 Add the Linkerd CLI to your path

1. export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.linkerd2/bin

 Install Linkerd

1. linkerd check --pre

2. linkerd install --crds | kubectl apply --

3. linkerd install | kubectl apply --

4. linkerd check  

Install Jaeger

1. linkerd jaeger install | kubectl apply --

 Install Linkerd Dashboard 

1. linkerd viz install | kubectl apply -

 Should be ever need to uninstall Linkerd for troubleshooting purposes (e.g. deleting a cluster or you have issues with the Linkerd side cars you can use the following commands:

Uninstall Linkerd 

1. linkerd viz uninstall | kubectl delete --

2. linkerd jaeger uninstall | kubectl delete --

3. linkerd uninstall | kubectl delete --


Install Helm

1. curl -fsSL -o

2. chmod 700

3. ./get_helm.sh4.  

  Install nginx Ingress 

1. helm repo add ingress-nginx

2. helm repo update

3. kubectl create ns ingress-nginx

4. helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx --repo -n ingress-nginx --create-namespace --set controller.hostNetwork=true --set controller.allowSnippetAnnotations=true

 Create LumenVox Namespace 

1. kubectl create namespace lumenvox

 Change NameSpace 

1. kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=lumenvox

 Setup TLS for Ingress 

The example below shows guideline values, clients can amend as needed e.g. certificate validity period and subject alternative name.

1. openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048

2. openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -key server.key -out server.crt -days 3650 -addext "subjectAltName =,,,,,"

3. kubectl create secret tls speech-tls-secret --key server.key --cert server.crt

Apply Secrets File

1. kubectl apply -f lumenvox-secrets.yaml


Installation of Helm Charts

Deploy Public Chart 

1. helm install lumenvox lumenvox/lumenvox -f speech-values.yaml -n lumenvox


See Setting up a deployment for final steps to for complete installation by setting up a deployment

Access the full installation guide here


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