"phoneme" Element




Alters the pronunciation of text using phonetic symbols. The phoneme element may be empty. However, it is recommended that the element contain human-readable text that can be used for non-spoken rendering of the document.

This element is only supported with the TTS1 product set.



alphabet = "ipa" | "x-sampa"

ph = โ€œstringโ€

  alternate text



  Attribute  Description
 alphabet  SPR (Symbolic Phonetic Representation) to use for interpreting ph.  

(Sets to โ€œipaโ€ by default if not specified).   optional field

  ph  Text of pronunciation variant.  mandatory field


<audio>, <emphasis>, <p>, <prosody>, <s>, <speak>, <voice>




The LumenVox synthesizer only supports ipa and x-sampa phonetic alphabet formats. A limited subset of phonemes is valid for each language, as specified here

Lowercase characters must be used to specify the alphabet attribute.

If the alphabet attribute is omitted, the default value is ipa.  

The maximum length of ph must be fewer than 64 phonetic symbols.


Phoneme Example Document  

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