IVR Development Toolkit (IVR DT)

LumenVox' ASR and TTS Speech Software is compatible with version 12 of the Enghouse Interactive IVR Development Toolkit (IVR DT)

For more information about Enghouse products, please visit http://www.enghouseinteractive.com.

Before you configure your IVR DT system to point the LumenVox Speech Engine, you should have already installed, licensed and tested your LumenVox SRE Server, TTS Server, Media Server and License Server.

This documentation assumes you have some familiarity with Enghouse Interactive IVR DT configuration. It also assumes that IVR DT has been correctly installed and licensed prior to connecting to LumenVox.

Note that IVR DT will be connecting to LumenVox using the MRCPv2 (SIP) protocol. Since both of these software applications are using SIP, their default configurations assume using port 5060 to communicate. If you intend to install IVR DT and LumenVox on the same server, you must ensure that you change the LumenVox SIP port setting to use some other port number to avoid a port conflict.

Configuring The Voice Processing Card

You should first ensure that the Voice Processing Card has it's firmware setting configured to point to a valid firmware file that supports Continuous Speech Processing.

In the example shown here, this is using a Dialogic D/4PCI-U board, however your configuration may vary (please consult Enghouse for assistance with this, if needed)

For Dialogic boards, you will need to first invoke the Dialogic Configuration Manager Utility and then select the "Device" tab to configure the board.

In the example below, the "Misc" tab of the Dialogic Configuration Manager Utility "Configure Device" option shows the FirmwareFile setting is using the "d4ucsp.fwl" firmware file, which supports Continuous Speech Processing.

The default value for the firmware file is usually one that does not support continuous speech recognition, so will likely need to change this to an appropriate value.

To change this file assignment, highlight the “FirmwareFile” parameter and then select the one that has “csp” as part of its name as shown below and then click the “OK” button

Configuring the SIP_PORT Parameter

Next you will need to make note of the the SIP_PORT parameter defined in the LumenVox Medial Server Configuration and also the IP address of the LumenVox Media Server (shown as MRCP_SERVER_IP below) - these will be placed in the IVRDT.ini file in the next step.

Note that you never want to leave the LumenVox MRCP_SERVER_IP setting configured to the loopback address ( - it should always be configured to be the (internal) static IP address of the LumenVox server.

Once you have made a note of these configuration setting values, you can move on to the next step of configuring the IVRDT.ini file.

Configuring the IVRDT.ini File

You will need to modify the IVRDT.ini configuration file, located in the root of the Windows directory, to let the IVR DT system know how and where to communicate with the LumenVox server.

Using the IP address of the LumenVox Media Server, and the SIP_PORT settings noted above, place these in the [MRCPv2Servers] section of the IVRDT.ini file, as shown below:

...in this example, the internal IP address of the LumenVox server is and the SIP_PORT is configured to use the default value of 5060, which will be used to negotiate ASR and TTS resources when needed. These must match the settings of your LumenVox server in your own setup, so may be different to the example values shown here (although it is typical to use the 5060 port number for SIP communication).

Exclude non-MRCP Protocols

You will also need to disable any non-MRCP type voice recognition protocols in the [ProfileExcludeTechnologies] section of the IVRDT.ini file as shown below:


Following these steps should allow IVR DT to fully integrate with LumenVox speech resources using the MRCPv2 protocol.

We recommend perform some basic testing to confirm all functionality is working correctly.

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