Recognizer STOP

The STOP method from the client to the server tells the recognizer resource to stop recognition if one is active.  If a RECOGNIZE request is active and the STOP request successfully terminated it, then the response header contains an active-request-id-list header field containing the request-id of the RECOGNIZE request that was terminated.  In this case, no RECOGNITION-COMPLETE event will be sent for the terminated request.  If there was no recognition active, then the response will not contain an active-request-id-list header field.  Either way, method the response will contain a status of 200(Success).

MRCPV1 STOP Example:

C->S:  SPEAK 543258 MRCP/1.0

              <?xml version="1.0"?>
                    <sentence>You have 4 new messages.</sentence>
                   <sentence>The first is from <say-as
                   type="name">Stephanie Williams</say-as>
                   and arrived at <break/>
                  <say-as type="time">3:45pm</say-as>.</sentence>

                 <sentence>The subject is <prosody
                 rate="0.8">ski trip</prosody></sentence>

S->C: MRCP/1.0 543258 200 IN-PROGRESS

C->S: STOP 543259 200 MRCP/1.0

S->C: MRCP/1.0 543259 200 COMPLETE

MRCPV2 STOP Example:

  C->S:  MRCP/2.0 ... SPEAK 543258

                 <?xml version="1.0"?>
           <speak version="1.0"
             <s>You have 4 new messages.</s>
             <s>The first is from Stephanie Williams and arrived at
                <say-as interpret-as="vxml:time">0342p</say-as>.</s>
             <s>The subject is
                 <prosody rate="0.8">ski trip</prosody></s>

  S->C:  MRCP/2.0 ... 543258 200 IN-PROGRESS

  C->S:  MRCP/2.0 ... STOP 543259

  S->C:  MRCP/2.0 ... 543259 200 COMPLETE

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