Product summary

LumenVox Active Voice Biometrics is a product that utilizes state of the art container technology to implement our voice biometrics solution via microservices architecture. These containers can be deployed using Kubernetes either on-premise, within a cloud/multi-cloud environment or via a hybrid model.

LumenVox allows for clients to integrate their web frontends, IVR, smartphone applications, Chatbots, conversation AI applications or backend systems into LumenVox’s active voice biometrics technology.

Active voice biometrics allows speakers to enroll their voice using a selected passphrase e.g. “My voice is my password”. This same passphrase is used to authenticate their identity on subsequent transactions. If the voice matches the stored voiceprint against a claimed identity a match result is returned.

Active voice biometrics provides a more secure method to authenticate consumers than traditional authentication methods. Using our new Deep Neural Network (DNN) engine we can more accurately match a voice than ever before with any passphrase or in any language (provided we have the language built within our ASR engine to validate the text of the passphrase spoken)  

Using LumenVox’s new containerized solution offers the following benefits:

  • Auto scaling - this allows the client to easily increase or decrease the number of containers that are running to meet capacity needs when workload changes. This can be done by setting parameters (e.g., Peak Load Times)
  • Self-healing – using Kubernetes, containers can be easily replaced should one fail. This also assists with version rollbacks and makes upgrades easier.
  • A client can easily create a local or global voice biometrics installation
  • Fail-over / disaster recovery (DR) – is made possible using the containerized technology
  • Simple deployment – with the use of Helm charts 
  • Easier to integrate into other LumenVox products e.g., ASR with Transcription, text-to-speech (TTS), passive voice biometrics, Call Progress Analysis (CPA) and our NLU/NLP gateway

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