UCCX simple integration test

In order to test that Lumenvox has been properly installed and integrated with the Cisco UCCX system,  you can install this "HelloWorld" application which was created with the UCCX script editing tool.

This UCCX application script uses Lumenvox speech recognition (ASR) and text-to-speech (TTS).  It asks for a name of the week and returns the results.

The script itself can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.  The instruction below guide you through the process of installing a UCCX Editor script. 



The instructions below can be used as a reference to installing any UCCX Editor's script.  The screenshots are based on installing the HelloWorld script.

 Installing UCCX Script 

First we need to upload the script to the UCCX server.  You can do this through the UCCX Administration web page.  On the Applications Menu, choose Script Management. 

  • Choose “Upload Scripts”.

  • Click Browse and navigate to the location you have saved theHelloWorld_ASR_TTS_Lumenvox.aef script file and click “Open”.  Then click Upload.

  • Then go to Applications->Application Management

  • And choose Add New.
  • Accept the default application type (Cisco Script Application),and click Next.
  • Give the application a name (the script nameHelloWorld_ASR_TTS_Lumenvox would work fine.)
  • Choose an ID.  This ID just needs to be unique for the list of application you already have.  If in doubt, 1000 should work fine.
  • Pick a suitable value for “Maximum Number of Sessions”.  For testing a very small number should be fine, this is the number of simultaneous calls that can access this script.
  • Choose the HelloWorld script you just uploaded from the Script dropdown.  (You do not need to click the Edit button.)
  • Make sure “Enabled” is Yes and leave the Default Script as“System Default”.
  • Click Add.

  • After adding, click “Add new trigger” on the left.

  • Choose Unified CM Telephony Trigger.  Hit Next.
  • First click the “Show More” button to show all options.
  • Choose a “Directory Number” (essentially the extension to use for the script).
  • Give a suitable Device Name and Description.
  • Choose a suitable Inbound Call Control Group.
  • Click the “Override Media Termination” option to Yes.  And make sure only Dialog groups that you have set up for Lumenvox MRCP are selected.  (Use the left and right arrows to moves dialog groups to and from the “Selected Dialog Groups” list.)
  • Make sure to select the proper “Calling Search Space”. This needs to be the same CCS as the device/trunk you are going to use to call in and test the script.

Note:    The choices in the screenshot below for “Call Control Group”, “Dialog Groups”, and “Calling Search Space” depend on how your UCCX system was setup and the naming choices made during configuration.

The application should now be installed.  Call into your UCCX system and access the Directory Number you've setup above.  (The details in this vary based on how your UCCX system is setup.)


HelloWorld_ASR_TTS_Lumenvox.zip5.4 KbDownload File

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