Synthesizer STOP

The STOP method from the client to the server tells the resource to stop speaking if it is speaking something.

The STOP request can be sent with an active-request-id-list header field to stop the zero or more specific SPEAK requests that may be in queue and return a response code of 200(Success).  If no active-request-id-list header field is sent in the STOP request, it will terminate all outstanding SPEAK requests.

If a STOP request successfully terminated one or more PENDING or IN-PROGRESS SPEAK requests, then the response message body contains an active-request-id-list header field listing the SPEAK request-ids that were terminated.  Otherwise, there will be no active-request-id-list header field in the response.  No SPEAK-COMPLETE events will be sent for these terminated requests.

If a SPEAK request that was IN-PROGRESS and speaking was stopped, the next pending SPEAK request, if any, would become IN-PROGRESS and move to the speaking state.

MRCPV1 STOP Example:

 C->S:  SPEAK 543258 MRCP/1.0

            <?xml version="1.0"?>
                <sentence>You have 4 new messages.</sentence>
               <sentence>The first is from <say-as
               type="name">Stephanie Williams</say-as>
              and arrived at <break/>
             <say-as type="time">3:45pm</say-as>.</sentence>

               <sentence>The subject is <prosody
               rate="0.8">ski trip</prosody></sentence>

S->C: MRCP/1.0 543258 200 IN-PROGRESS

C->S: STOP 543259 200 MRCP/1.0

S->C: MRCP/1.0 543259 200 COMPLETE

MRCPV2 STOP Example:

  C->S:  MRCP/2.0 ... SPEAK 543258

             <?xml version="1.0"?>
            <speak version="1.0"
                  <s>You have 4 new messages.</s>
                 <s>The first is from Stephanie Williams and arrived at
                    <say-as interpret-as="vxml:time">0342p</say-as>.</s>
                         <s>The subject is
                                <prosody rate="0.8">ski trip</prosody></s>

S->C: MRCP/2.0 ... 543258 200 IN-PROGRESS

C->S: MRCP/2.0 ... STOP 543259

S->C: MRCP/2.0 ... 543259 200 COMPLETE

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