Additional recommended external components
Logging Tool
Customers can supply their own logging platform to retrieve and analyze container logs. Customers are not restricted in which logging tools or frameworks they wish to use when working with K8s. LumenVox supports the common containerized logging architecture, allowing customers to select whichever log consolidation or filtering application they choose.
Cluster logging levels can be set to information, warning, error, debug - this is done in the values.yaml file and is applied to the entire system. This can be overwritten at a deployment level using the portal available.
Monitoring Tool – such as Prometheus
Prometheus is a graphical interface tool commonly used by cloud providers for monitoring overall system performance (e.g., CPU status). You can set up alerts to send messages or emails and access its dashboard at a pre-configured URL. However, any graphical interface cloud monitoring tool can be used. Another commonly used tool is Grafana. Any popular tool should work just fine.
Prometheus has the advantage that there are managed versions of the Prometheus service available from most of the main cloud hosting providers, such as Amazon, Google, and IBM.
LumenVox has out-of-the-box support for Prometheus. Prometheus metrics are available for each of the containers.
Access and User Management
Customers must provide their own access management Interface. LumenVox does not provide any user identification (authentication) or permission checking (authorization) for access to the APIs used to access the containerized products, this is managed by security systems the client will have in place.