API overview

These public APIs are APIs that the LumenVox Containers expose to enable applications to utilize the software services provided by LumenVox.

  • LumenVox API – the LumenVox API is used for functionality working with LumenVox speech products. This collection of APIs can be used to consume the speech products: ASR, Transcription, TTS, CPA & AMD.
  • Biometrics API – this collection is used for LumenVox Voice Biometrics products. It is used to perform active voice biometrics enrollment and verification transactions.
  • Management API – REST API that provides external access to the Deployment, Configuration and Engine Resource Services.   Used to manage configuration and deployment parameters, which can also be managed via the Admin Portal and the Deployment Portal.
  • Reporting API – this collection of APIs is used to extract session and transactional data from the platform. There is currently a Reporting API for LumenVox Speech, and a Reporting Bio API for LumenVox voice biometrics.  The Reporting API for Speech is a REST API that connects via gRPC to the Reporting service and databases.  

For more information on the APIs, and how client applications can interact with them, visit our API documentation at https://developer.lumenvox.com/

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