Release notes 3.4.1 & 3.4.2

Release date 29th November 2022


This page highlights the changes, and bugs addressed within the LumenVox Containers version 3.4.1 & 3.4.2 release. This change affects mainly speech products, but voice bio is also contained in this release. The release notes combines release 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 as they were release in quick succession. release 3.4.2 has the majority of changes. The main item addressed in 3.4.1 was the updates to install the latest CA certificates for TLS in all the containers.

Whatโ€™s new on LumenVox Cloud 3.4.1 & 3.4.2 

New Features

  • None


  • Improvements have been made to the following:

    • Support Redis in cluster mode

    • Ensure backend use of security certificate for MongoDB connection for AWS

    • Postgres TLS connectivity enabled including AWS

    • Helm Chart changes to support TLS connections to pre-requisite services

Bug fixes

Various including issues with the following:

  • Fix connection to MongoDB instance using TLS and specifying a certificate bundle

  • Unable to connect to Redis using TLS

  • Fix DB persistence with the Standalone Kubernetes deployment

  • Fixing of latency and memory issues with CPA/AMD

Installation notes

The following helm chart can be used

Helm Chart

Note that for MRCP there is no helm chart but a docker compose file. MRCP will run on its own Docker virtual machine which will integrate into the Kubernetes cluster.

Upgrade procedures

Upgrade or migration from versions 1.x ,version 2.x are not supported. Version 3.4.1 must be a fresh install. Version 3.4.0 can be upgraded to version 3.4.1 by updating the protobuf files, all existing grammar cache files must be deleted prior to upgrade.

Updated API guide

Speech: LumenVox Speech API

Voice biometrics: LumenVox API Documentation


Further information can be obtained here:

LumenVox API Documentation 


Model versions as part of the release

ASR - 2.6.0

TTS - 1.0 sample rate 22

VB - 2.1.13


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