Release notes 4.3.0

Release date: 27th September 2023


This page highlights all the changes, new features and bugs addressed within the LumenVox Containers version 4.3.0 release. This change affects Speech products. This version is not available for Voice biometric products, this will be made available in upcoming releases.


  1. Improvements to stability, performance and load handling

  2. Additional Prometheus metrics added

  3. Improvements to structured logging

  4. New license service introduced including the ability for offline license reporting

  5. Grammar management enhancements

  6. Compatibility mode implemented

  7. Additional ASR ITN languages available 

  8. Allow for simultaneous usage of voice and DTMF grammars in the MRCP

  9. Improvements to the analysis portal


*Note: For TTS, we recommend that text not exceed 4mb (this is roughly 1300 Characters with spaces or around 250 words)

**Note: For Transcription, we recommend that users not exceed 90 minutes of transcribed audio due to gRPC size limits.

Whatโ€™s new on LumenVox Cloud 4.3.0 

New Features

  • Additional ASR & text normalization languages available

    • ASR

      • French

      • German

      • Japanese

      • Swiss German

    • Text Normalization

      • German

      • French


  • Improvements have been made to the following:

    • Prometheus counters enhanced

    • Structured logging enhanced

    • Stability, performance and load handling

    • License service updated including the ability for offline license reporting

    • Grammar management 

    • Compatibility mode implemented

    • Allow for simultaneous usage of voice and DTMF grammars in the MRCP

    • Analysis portal updated

Installation notes

The following helm chart can be used

Helm Chart

Note that for MRCP there is no helm chart but a docker compose file. MRCP will run on its own Docker virtual machine which will integrate into the Kubernetes cluster.

Upgrade procedures

Upgrade or migration from previous versions is supported. Please contact LumenVox to discuss.

Updated API guide

APIs for all speech products available on version 4.2 can be obtained here: LumenVox API Documentation 

Information for voice biometric products relates to version 3.4.0-3.4.3 

Model versions as part of the release

ASR - 4.1.0

TTS - 1.0 sample rate 22

VB - 2.1.15 

VB incorporates Selene 2.4.3 which was integrated into the Container stack

Model version changes

Major model upgrade for ASR & Transcription

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